Samantha Rothman Samantha Rothman


This morning I’m staying cozy; writing on my lap-top while sitting in bed. It’s a strange thing for me to hang out in bed, but I’m cold and this is currently the warmest spot in the house. It’s January. The planning month. Also, the review month. Last year our wholesale business grew by 80%. That’s a lot of growth! It felt great to see your buckets lined up week after week, filled with blooms that I hoped would bring you and your clients joy. That’s my word here: JOY. Flowers, especially growing flowers, just makes me feel happy - joyful.

As the wholesale end of the business has blossomed, we wanted to make it easier for you to shop. I love texting with ya’ll but I’m getting a bit forgetful these days and I needed to create some type of system so that we can better manage your orders - and, quite frankly - let you know what we’ve got! If you’ve been around long enough you know that I’m not the best at sending out that promised “weekly e-mail.” This website will replace the lousy list that I sent out periodically.

This month I’ve been going through all my photos and creating listings on the website. I promise you will only ever see pictures of our product. Whatever you see listed, was actually grown here, by us. If there is a listing and no photo, that is because either A. I couldn’t find a picture or B. We haven’t grown that crop in the past and it’s a new addition to the farm.

Next, this website will also allow you to order by credit card. That’s pretty cool for you, but it does mean that I’m charged an additional 3% on every sale (in addition to the fees from the website, itself). I’m hoping the ease of buying will more than make up for the loss from fees. We’ll see!

And - this is new for me too. So there might be glitches as we get going. I appreciate your patience in advance!

As always, thank you for being so supportive, for buying our flowers and for cheering us on.

Any feedback you have is ALWAYS welcome.

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